Tags: Darrell
Hey Google
Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: The back of the house. It’s dark, there are stars in the sky above and leaves litter the ground. Some of the trees are starting to look bare. There are two balconies in the back, one at ground level and one directly above it on the second floor with a door leading to each balcony. Light shines through the windows on the second floor while all other windows are dark. Sitting alone on the railing on the ground floor is Darrell.
Panel 2: A closer view of Darrell as he sits on the railing, looking up at the night sky.
Panel 3: He pulls out a grey vape pen and examines it.
Panel 4: He puts it to his mouth and tries to suck...
Panel 5: ...to no effect. Annoyed, he pulls it back and clicks the button a few times.
Panel 6: Darrell tries again, sucking harder on the vape pen to no avail.
Panel 7: Frustrated, he holds it out and examines it again.
Panel 8: Darrell pulls out his phone and Googles “how do vapes work”.