Rainbow Brite
Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: At the house, Taylor greets Tacitus at the front door. Tacitus has dyed his hair bright blue, and his chin stubble has expanded into the shape of a goatee. He’s wearing his usual double breasted hoodie and is carrying his blue shoulder bag. Taylor is wearing a jersey style t-shirt in light grey with red sleeves with a darker grey long sleeved shirt underneath. He greets Tacitus: “Hey! Wow, your hair looks nice!”
Tacitus, with a smile: “Thanks.”
Panel 2: As they move away from the door the front of Taylor’s shirt is visible: in the style of the Kinder Surprise logo is a graphic that says Shia Surprise. Tacitus lifts his bag over his shoulder and asks: “How’ve you been?”
Taylor: “Pretty good! It’s just me and Becca right now. Jules and Darrell are both out.”
Tacitus: “Well, the two of you are who I came to see anyway.”
Panel 3: Tacitus hands Taylor a DVD case, which is sky blue with a rainbow across it. “With everything you’ve set up for Becca, I thought I’d bring this over.”
Taylor, looking at the cover: “Rainbow Brite…”
Panel 4: Taylor: “Oh, yeah, from like the eighties or something, right?”
Tacitus: “It’s hers. I usually bring it over when I come to visit.”
Panel 5: Becca swoops in around Tacitus, smiling widely at the sight of the DVD.
Panel 6: She takes it from Taylor’s hands and swoops away happily.
Panel 7: Taylor, smiling after her: “I’m guessing it’s her favorite?”
Tacitus: “I’ve seen it well over a hundred times now.”