Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Ty asks Val: “When’s Chris off work?”
Val, checking his phone: “Uh, about forty minutes.”
Ty: “You wanna see if she’s up to meeting us for some tots?”
Leah, behind them both, thrusts her fists into the air and shouts with emphasis: “Tots”
Val: “Oh she’s always up for tots.”
Panel 2: Ty turns to Darrell: “If you’re still free, you wanna go get some drinks and tater tots? There’s a McMenamins nearby we go to sometimes after practice.”
Darrell: “Oh.”
Panel 3: Darrell glances away hesitantly: “Uh…”
Panel 4: He looks back with a smile: “Sure. Yeah, sounds good.”
Panel 5: As they head back out of the house through the side door, Darrell puts his hoodie and coat back on while Ty, now wearing a black jacket, puts on a beanie. Darrell: “So does SABEL stand for something?”
Ty bursts into laughter.
Panel 6: Leah sidles up beside Darrell, now wearing a black hoodie. “It’s short for Satan’s Bisexual Ex-Lover.”
Panel 7: Darrell, Ty, and Leah walk away from the house together. Behind them are Jeremy, now wearing a black jacket over a black hoodie as well as a black beanie on his head, and Val, who has his red plaid shirt on now and is looking at his phone. Leah: “Jeremy and my brother refuse to tell anyone where that came from.”
Darrell: “...ah.”
Ty, still laughing: “It’s just– (snort) It’s way too complicated to explain.”