Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Becca peeks through the door into Taylor’s room.
Panel 2: Taylor sits crosslegged on his bed holding a game controller, his soda can sitting on the base support of the bed. There’s a TV stand at the foot of the bed now that holds a TV on top and a game console below, with cords stretching out behind to the wall.
Panel 3: Taylor looks over and notices Becca. “Oh!”
Panel 4: Becca half hides behind the door frame as Taylor greets her. “Uh, hi!”
Panel 5: Taylor glances towards the TV. “Um… you’re just in time, I just finished setting this up.”
Panel 6: Taylor: “Want to watch something with me?”
Becca nods.
Taylor: “Okay.”
Panel 7: Taylor: “There’s a new DuckTales show, it’s really good. How does that sound?”
Becca nods again, now with a happy smile.
Taylor: “Alright.”
Panel 8: Becca floats over to hover by Taylor on the bed, still smiling as he says, “Let’s watch DuckTales.”