Lukewarm Fuzzies
Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Back at the house, Taylor sits cross legged on his bed while Becca hovers next to him, pointing happily at the TV off screen. Taylor, with a smile: “Yeah, Webby’s my favorite too in the reboot.”
Panel 2: Taylor: “This has been surprisingly fun. You probably don’t get to just hang out and watch TV with someone very often, do you?”
Panel 3: Becca shakes her head sadly.
Panel 4: Taylor: “What about Tacitus, did he do stuff like this with you?”
Becca nods.
Panel 5: Taylor, with a fond smile: “Yeah, he seems like a good guy.”
Panel 6: Taylor: “If you ever want him to come over let me know, I’m sure he’d come see you. Just because we’re living here now doesn’t mean he can’t.”
Becca claps her hands together happily.
Panel 7: Becca hugs Taylor as he smiles at her: “Aww, those are the coldest warm fuzzies I’ve ever felt.”