Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Darrell and Taylor chill together on the patio, eyes huge, a haze of weed smoke in the air. Darrell is still sitting on the railing while Taylor is leaning over, propped up by his elbows.
Panel 2: Darrell: “So… my birthday’s in a few days.”
Panel 3: Taylor looks up at him with a big smile: “Oh shit, awesome!”
Darrell looks away, not nearly as happy: “Is it? It’s not like it matters anymore.”
Taylor: “‘Course it does. You’ll be eighteen, yeah? That’s a big one!”
Panel 4: Darrell, looking increasingly bothered: “I’m not going to change, though. I’m never gonna finish growing up.”
Panel 5: Darrell curls partially into himself, hair covering his eyes. “I’m just... stuck here, in this body, forever.”
Taylor stands up straight to be on his level as he replies: “Hey, that’s not all bad.”
Panel 6: Taylor: “I mean, look, I’m almost thirty. My back and my knees hurt every day when I wake up, and I’m just gonna have to live with that, I guess.”
Panel 7: Taylor: “Yeah, you’re young, but you’re also kinda in your prime. That’s not a bad place to be stuck, Wilkes.”
Darrell: “I’m not… it’s not about that.”
Taylor: “What’s it about then?”
Darrell: “I’m... I…”
Panel 8: The camera pulls back to a wider shot of the balcony. Light can be seen shining through the windows in the door, providing some light to the railing and at their backs as Darrell says: “I don’t want people calling me Wilkes anymore.”