Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Darrell, looking off into the distance: “So you see the problem, yeah? If I’m never gonna change, if I’m just... this, then...”
Taylor, also looking off a bit sadly: “Yeah, I get it.”
Panel 2: Taylor looks up towards him: “This probably isn’t the first time it’s come up though, y’know. The Vekur’s gotta have a way to handle this sort of thing.”
Panel 3: Darrell looks annoyed: “What’re they gonna do?? Every time we drink blood it, like, resets us back to zero.”
Panel 4: Darrell glances over at Taylor, still annoyed: “I had a scrape on my hand the other day, it’s completely gone now since I went hunting.”
Panel 5: Darrell looks away again: “If I try to change anything it’s just gonna go back to how it was.”
Panel 6: Taylor: “I’m just saying, if you talk to Jules or Tacitus they might know something that would help.”
Darrell, now rolling his eyes in annoyance: “Ughhhh”
Panel 7: Taylor: “Or I could ask if you wanted me to.”
Darrell, rolling his eyes even further in extreme teenage aggravation: “Ughhhh no fine I’ll do it.”