Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Just inside the doors of 7-Eleven, Darrell looks on with an amused expression as Taylor waves towards the cashier, an old man wearing a red collared shirt. Taylor: “Hey! Good afternoon! Just doing some shopping with my cousin!”
Panel 2: Darrell, still amused: “Very natural.”
Taylor: “You made me anxious, I can’t help it!”
Panel 3: They go over to a row of fridges full of drinks, and begin picking things out. Taylor takes a green bottled soda that could be Mountain Dew while Darrell examines a dark bottle with a deep red label that could be Dr. Pepper. Taylor, unamused: “So fucking with people is your only hobby then.”
Darrell, still with a smile: “It is pretty fun.”
Panel 4: Darrell gets a bit more serious. “...I’m a musician. I play drums, bass guitar. Some acoustic.”
Panel 5: The two continue walking past the row of fridges. Taylor now has an armful of beverages, two that are green bottled sodas and two cans, one yellow and one orange, presumably Mike’s Hard Lemonade. He looks interested now: “Ooo, that’s cool! Did you have a band?”
Darrell: “Kinda? Nothing serious.”
Taylor: “Were you in marching band?”
Panel 6: Darrell, eyes wide and extremely unconvincing: “NO.”
Panel 7: Taylor, now smiling: “Aww, were you a band geek?”
Darrell, who we can now see is holding two of the dark bottled sodas: “Absolutely not.”
Panel 8: Taylor holds his phone away from Darrell, carefully cradling all four beverages in one arm as he asks: “Which high school did you go to? I wonder if I can find pictures of you in uniform.”
Darrell tucks both sodas into one arm as he tries desperately reaching for Taylor’s phone: “Don’t you dare”
Taylor: “Aw, you thought you were the only one who could fuck with people?”