English History
Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: In a dark room, Becca looks down from the ceiling as there is a ‘click’ nearby.
Panel 2: Taylor and Jillian walk in through the front door, turning on the light as they continue mid conversation. Taylor asks: “1572? That’s when you died? That’s what, 500 years ago?”
Jillian: “Just about.”
Taylor: “Goddamn.”
Panel 3: Jillian closes the door behind them as Taylor unzips his hoodie, asking: “What was going on then? You’re English, right?”
Jillian: “Right.”
Taylor: “What was happening in England?”
Panel 4: Jillian takes off her jacket, looking thoughtful as she replies: “Well, we were under the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The first Queen Elizabeth. There was a lot of change happening with the church. That was very important at the time.”
Panel 5: Becca comes to greet them, wrapping around them both with a happy expression as Jillian continues: “Honestly, I was just a tradesman trying to make a living day to day. Outside of the constant fear of being declared a heretic for worshiping or not worshiping the saints on any given year, there’s not much more I can tell you that I haven’t learned from film and television now.”
Taylor, with a smile: “Fair ‘nuff.”